Sunday, August 14, 2011

Into The Night (Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fan-fiction)

     It was dark outside The warm summer breeze was swaying the trees back and forth, you could hear them swish, swish, swish.
Nobody was around just Samantha around the palm trees sitting on the grass near the beach. The waves crashed around as the debris swished around her face. She laughed not knowing why; she guessed it was trying to figure out how she got there in the first place. But after a while she didn’t even care, it was too nice out. She was finally alone, no brothers, no sisters to take care of, no nagging mother yelling at her to make dinner (if you want to call putting a little plastic dish from the freezer into the microwave). Nothing but peace and quiet.
            She decided to take a walk for a little bit. “Should I take a flashlight?” She though. Did she think it aloud? Well it wasn’t like anyone should hear her, she was alone, and nobody would look at her like she was crazy… “Am I?” She thought silently in her head this time. “Of course not, now enough with this nonsense Sammy, you’re going for a walk, remember?” This time she couldn’t remember if this was out loud or inside her head, but it felt like somebody was talking her her in her voice.
            She took her iPod out, she didn’t even realize was in her pocket two seconds ago, she blasted the music in her ears, the silence around her was starting to get to her a little bit, like it could be disturbed at any moment by anything horrible.
             The scenery was beautiful, there was grass on the sand, but it was soft, and almost fluffy, she took in the palm trees surrounding her making her feel safe like never before.
            She saw a flash of light far away from her. Was she alone? Or was somebody following her? She saw another one, but this time it was too her right. Then another one, then she realized it wasn’t a flash light after many of them light up, they were fireflies. Gorgeous fireflies dancing around her like a masquerade…Minus the masks. She dropped down to the ground and laid on the soft sand, All she could do is stare at those creatures dancing around, blinking their lights. Fireflies are such a wonder she thought to herself. It’s not like the guy who invented the light bulb created them. They just somehow light up naturally. She watched the mesmerized while staring at the starts hearing the ocean wave’s crash slightly behind the music.
            She woke up suddenly, her music wasn’t playing anymore, and in fact the headphones weren’t even in her ears. Where did her iPod go? She got up all of a sudden in a panic; nobody else was around but she…was there?
            She walked around and saw the light of her iPod, it was far away from her…She then knew she wasn’t alone. She carefully stepped back, just in case the person was dangerous, she had a sense that who or whatever was around it wasn’t good.

            Stepping back slowly she turned around to run, and right in front of her was a giant man. He had an insanely deformed face, a wild look in his eyes, and he was about 7 feet tall. In his hand was a huge chainsaw in his hand.
            She bolted away but it was too late, he started the chainsaw and plunged the ripping chainsaw straight through her heart…

I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of 'Into The Night' my first chapter of  'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' fanfiction, new chapter coming soon. <3

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